Middle Kingdom burial is found in Luxor
February  2008

An intact 11th dynasty burial of a man called Iker has been unearthed in the Dra Abul Naga area on Luxor's west bank. Minister of Culture Farouk Hosni announced the discovery today, adding that the burial was found by a Spanish archaeological mission during routine excavation work in the open courtyard of TT11, the tomb of Djehuty.

Dr. Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) said that inside Iker's burial shaft, the mission found a closed wooden coffin painted in red and decorated with an inscription running along all four sides. It also bears drawings showing Iker presenting offerings to the goddess Hathor, the “mistress of the skies.”

Dr. Hawass explained that the coffin is very well preserved except for its base, which has suffered termite damage. The coffin will be restored and consolidated before being removed from the burial so that excavation can continue.

A collection of five 11th and 12th dynasties vessels was also found in the shaft, along with five arrows, three of which were still feathered.

Dr. Jose Galán, the head of the Spanish mission, said that further excavation will bring more of the burial to light, and will enable the mission to uncover more of its funerary collection.

The coffin will be removed, as it is blocking the entrance to the inner part of the small rock recess used as a burial chamber. 

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